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29 octobre 2023 16:25

Dell precision 5470 shutdown and suspend issues on Ubuntu 22.04


The Dell precision 5470 came pre-installed with Ubuntu 20.04 but I need Ubuntu 22.04 so I overwrote the old system with the latest ubuntu version.

The laptop is working well but I'm facing two issues :

- on shutdown, the laptop does not shutdown on its own; I have to press the power button for some seconds to switch it off completly

- I close the LID or trigger a suspend, the session never recovers. The screen remains black and there is no other solution than pressing the power button to do a hard shutdown.

Does anyone know how to fix this or at least to dig into the problem for trying to find a fix ?

Thanks for your help,


2  messages

3 novembre 2023 16:21

Hi ,

Since probably yesterday or this morning, the problem is solved. I believe this is due to some updates of my ubuntu 22.04 boxes I did yesterday or this morning . I'm not sure which package solved the issue;

I can see at least the kernel got upgraded to 6.2.0-36 .

Both issues are actually solved. The laptop can now wake up from sleep and shutdown switches off the laptop as expected.

Thanks to the Linux community for solving this !


Aucun événement trouvé !
